Additional posts:
Marketing as a Core Activity
Marketing issues that come with Growth
Why therapists should not outsource marketing: We do it better
For the first 20 years of practice, I thought there might be a way to outsource our marketing. Why couldn’t I hire someone to take that burden off me? After […]
How to grow consistent community marketing: Community Connection Plan
For the first 20 years of my practice, we struggled with our marketing our mental health practice. We needed to find a community marketing system that we all could embrace […]
Social media marketing: Good or bad?
Social media marketing is all the buzz these days. When I began building a practice there was no social media. In fact no internet. We did it the old-fashioned way […]
Finding the right psychotherapy markets
We have three major psychotherapy markets in the mental health field: potential clients, potential clients’ trusted advisors, and insurance companies. We need to connect with each of these in order to […]
Branding: A name, some services, and how the dream becomes real
There are many misconceptions about what branding is. Usually, the first thing that comes to mind is a name, a sign, a logo, or a design used in marketing materials. […]