Mandatory owner’s skills: How to know if you have what it takes
The owner’s skills will determine if a solo practice grows. Sometimes this is hard to face, but the organization will take on the character of the founder. There really is […]
Finding your community: The location and space
Space and location. These are one of the first decisions new practice owners make. In many ways, it is all about the location and then the spaces you have within that […]
The place of fear in decisions about practice
Fearful decisions are never a good idea. Yet I hear about them often when talking with those contemplating forming a new organization. Many fears seem to emerge at times of […]
How to estimate your private practice income
Estimating your private practice income can help define where to focus attention. The basic financial formulas are pretty simple. And even those with a math phobia can grasp the concepts […]
Social media marketing: Good or bad?
Social media marketing is all the buzz these days. When I began building a practice there was no social media. In fact no internet. We did it the old-fashioned way […]
Finding the right psychotherapy markets
We have three major psychotherapy markets in the mental health field: potential clients, potential clients’ trusted advisors, and insurance companies. We need to connect with each of these in order to […]
Branding: A name, some services, and how the dream becomes real
There are many misconceptions about what branding is. Usually, the first thing that comes to mind is a name, a sign, a logo, or a design used in marketing materials. […]
Business success: What does it take?
In my view, business success is partly based on the owner’s willingness to do what the business requires in all circumstances. And it is partly based on the personality of […]
Become an owner or work for one
Either become an owner or work for one I was naive about many things when I began my adult life. I did not even think about the very simple truth […]