Private practice therapist salary: What can you reasonably expect?
There is lots of ink spilled on what to expect a private practice therapist’s salary to be. Frankly, some of the numbers are ridiculous. One post inaccurately reports, “The average salary for […]
Four hallmarks of a wonderful, nearly-perfect practice
Most of us begin our professional lives hoping to find and work in the nearly-perfect practice. However, many have similar experiences to mine. Early in my career, I despaired of […]
Successful Practice Management that leaves you sane
Managing a practice is difficult to do well. And doing the right sort of successful practice management is challenging. There are so many things to juggle, each with a level […]
How to increase therapist pay in private practice
Everyone who is in private practice wants to know how to increase therapist pay. Of course, our first goal is to fill our schedule with clients. But once that is […]